Help Congleton Santa make a difference.
Do you want to help a Congleton charity? Get the name of you (or your business) on the Nice List? Small donations from you will help make a real difference, because we are a Congleton charity who collect with many local charities.
Donating is quick, simple and secure, and all of Clause’s causes benefit the people of Congleton.
You can help Congleton Santa by giving right here using the form above. Your gift would be collected securely by PayPal. You don’t need a PayPal account to donate this way, you can also use a credit card, debit card or
We have the @giveasyoulive app which turns a percentage of every purchase you make online into a free donation for us!
Please download the app and search for “Congleton Santa” or “Congleton Christmas Collection”. It’s free, 🛍️ There are over 6,000 stores, ⏰ It only takes 2 mins to sign up!
If you want to give from your phone by text message, then please text SANTA and the amount (in whole pounds) you wish to donate to 70450. You can donate as much as £20, or as little as £1. So texting SANTA 2 to 70450 would see you donate £2. Each donation is a one-off (unless you want to text again!), and is collected securely by DONR. (Texts cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message).
Please select Gift Aid it will increase the value of your donation by 25%!
You can donate by Facebook donate or you can create your own Facebook fund raiser for Congleton Santa.
We are also registered as an eBay Charity, Simply search for “Congleton Christmas Collection” when listing your items and you can donate between 10 and 100% of the sale to help local Congleton charities.
We’ll even accept cheques payable to “Congleton Christmas Collection”
You can now also set up a regular, reoccurring, monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly Direct Debit to donation to us safely with Charities Aid Foundation – just fill in this form below.
If you are a local business who wants to help us, then please get in touch with Santa.